Enjoy a fun, team-focused “par-tee” while supporting mentorship in Northwest Arkansas. This event is geared toward team building and networking at Topgolf in Rogers. No golf skills are necessary.
Hosts: Jennifer R. Jackson, Kaitlyn Shadiow, Kathy Reynolds, Katie Smith, Matt Shy, Ryland Allen, Tasha Tandy & Will McDonald
Summer’s Biggest “Par-tee” to Support Youth Mentoring
Sponsorship will include:
2 games of tournament play for up to 6 players on your teams at Topgolf
Golf clubs and food included for all participants
Logo on Summer Swing signage at Topgolf
Recognition in Summer Swing publicity, including website and social media
All money raised by Big Brothers Big Sisters of NWA stays right here in our community, directly supporting the 400+ kids and families we serve every day. Event sponsorships enable us to provide ongoing support for children, families, and volunteers, helping to build life-changing friendships that positively impact our community.